Friday 19 October 2018

Geographic Names - Thamizh Root Words Part II

Possible root words of continents and countries: 

Contd from Part I:

26. Celtic : from Keezh Thikku, meaning Eastern Direction.  
Keezh - Thikku > Kelthikku > Keltik > Celtic 
(Credit : Thamizh Polyglot & Historian, Saththur Sekaran )

27. Madagascar : From Thamizh name for Emerald Stone, Maragadhak-kal.
 Maragadhakkal > Madagadhakkal > Madagascar. Possibly connected to Thamizh Seafarers & Precious Metal and Gem Explorers.
(refer: Slovakian Historian, Cyril Hromnik, about Thamizh gold explorers in Africa)

28. Niger, Nigeria : From Naagar, the first ground-dwelling tribe of speaking humans. 

Video: Amazing Primitive History of Mankind

29. Nepal : Naa (Tongue) + Pazhagu (Practise) > Naapazhagu > Naapalaku > Napal >
Nepal, one of the ancient places where speaking humans settled after deluge.

Video: Amazing Connection Between Tamil & Slavic Languages 

30. Nagaland : Naaga Naadu, the place where Naaga tribes live.

31. Egypt : From Yegathipathyam, meaning Monarchy (Of the Pharoahs).
Yeka (One)+ Adhipadhi (Ruler/Monarch/Emperor) > Yegathipathi (Pharaoh) > Yegithipath > Yegithpith > Egipth > Egypt.

Nile : From Neelam, meaning very long. Or Neelam, m. blue.
Neelam >Neela > Neel > Nile

32. Morocco : From Murugan. Murugan > Moroggon > Morocco.
Muruga + Eesa > Murugesa > Morogesha > Maarakech.

Video: Berber Nation & Tamils - Part II of Who created Indus Script?

Related: Morrigon deity of Celtics, Surnames - Morgan, Maurice, Moors of Africa, Maori people of NZ, Mauryas of ancient India, Moringa Herb, Mauritius,etc. 
All from root word - Muru/Mur > Moro, Morri, Maori, Maurya, Mayuri, etc.

33. Maldives : Malai (String/Garland) + Theevu (Island) > Malatheevu > Maladiv > Maldives

34. Lakshadeep : Latcham (Lakh or 100,000) + Theevu(Island) > Latchatheevu > Laccadives, Lakshadeep

35. Peru : From Perum, Perusu, m. Large. Here possibly, the large indigenous mountain kingdom, the Inca Empire.

36. Canada : m. Forest Country. Kanagam/Kaa (Forest) + Idam (Place) > Kaanidam > Canadam > Canada

37. Alaska : Al (Not) + Agam (Place). Meaning, not inhabitable place, very frigid place. Alagam > Alasgam > Alaskam> Alaska. 

38. Texas : Thekku (Teakwood) + Agam (Place), the place of Teakwood Trees.
Thekkagam > Thekkags > Texas

39. Germany : From Cheramaan, Mountain Ruler. Yerar (Mountain-Dwellers) > Cherar. Cheramaan, the Leader, Ruler of those tribes. Section of Mountain People from exodus of Mahabharath war, the Kuravas and the Yakshas.

Video: Earth Shaking Connection Between Mahabharath & Islam

40. Slovakia : Sol (Utter) + Vakkiyam (Sentences) > Solvakkaiyam > Slovakiyam > Slovakia, the place which had a Spoken Language. 

Video: Amazing Connection Between Tamil & Slavic Languages

41. Slovenia: Solvai (Utter/Speak) + Nee(You) > Solveni > Sloveni, Slovenia, the Land that Speaks

Video: Amazing Connection Between Tamil & Slavic Languages

42. Czech : Chekka, meaning Reddish shade due to Pure white or Very Fair Skin or Red haired people.
Red in Czech is Cervene , from Thamizh Chev+Vanam, Red color. 

43. Belarus : Vellai + Rus, ie. White Russia, named due to snow covered landscape.
Vellai (Also Ven) is the root word for White in almost all European languages. 

44. Russia:  Rus, From Raththa, meaning Blood colored/ Red. Probably due to Red haired people, or reddish skin due to very fair complexion. 

45. Nicaragua : Naagar (Speaking Humans) + Agam (Place/ Homeland) > Naagaragam > Nigaraga > Nicaragua.
Also : Nahuatl, Nahua, from Naaga > Naaha > Nahua, Nahuatl.

Video: Amazing Primitive History of Mankind

46. Panama : From Pala Meen (Lots of fish).
Pala-meen > Panamin > Panama, the place of many fish. 

47. Mu: The lost continent (Kumari Kandam). From Moozhgiya, meaning drowned and gone under the ocean. Moozhgu ( Drown or Disappear under water) > Moozh > Mu.

48. Caspian Sea & Kashmir: Kasappu, m. Bitter. Kasappu >  Caspian, Kashyap. 
Kashmir: Greek Kasperia. From Kashyap-Meru, naming due to migrantion of tribes from Caspian Sea - Caucasus Mts. Region.

49. Mediterreanean Sea: From Madhdhiya (Central/Between) + Tharai (Land) > Madhdhiyatharai > Maditharai > Mediterra > Mediterranean, the Sea between two lands, Africa and Europe.

50. Eritrea, Erythraen Sea, i.e. Red Sea: Eri (Burning/ Red) + Tharai (Land) > Eritharai > Erythraya> Erythraen, Eritrea. The Sea that appears Red due to bloom of bacteria Trichidesmium erythraeum.

51. Cambodia: Earlier Kampuchea, from Kamam-Pachai : 
Kaamam (Village/Settlement) + Pachai (Green/Farming) > Kaamampachai > Kamapacha > Kampucha > Kampuchea, farming villages. eg. Kathirkamam in Lanka.
Also, Pachacamac in Peru > Pachai (Green) + Kamam (Village/Settlement) > Green village aka Farming Settlement. Kamam also means Love, even Physical Love which is compared to farming works. Seeding to create new life, plant life or human life.

Related derived words: Kemet (Ancient Name for Egypt), Cambria (Wales), Common, Commoner, Camaraderie, Comrade, Company (Kamam + Pani-Work, could mean both war efforts or physical union), Companion, etc.

Tamil Chinthanayalar Peravai - Youtube channel on History Re-search through Thamizh Perspective. (Thanks & Credit)
Online Etymological Dictionary :

1 comment:

  1. Hi Madam, Yali pathi post pannunga. Please post some article about Yali
