Friday 19 October 2018

Geographic Names - Thamizh Root Words - Part I

Possible Root Words of Continents and Countries:

1. Africa: Name relative to Europe, indicating the other side of Mediterranean Sea.
    Ap (Other) + Puram (Side) > Appuram > Apuri > Afri >
Middle English Afrikke > Africa.    

2. America: Possibly derived from the indigenous name of the Amerrique mountains in Nicaragua (refer Part II - 44).
Amerrique derived from Amarar (Survivors of Deluge) + Agam (Place/Land). 
Amarar + Agam > Amaragam > Amerigam > Mayan Amerrique > America. 
Amarar : m. Those who didn’t perish, escaped the deluge and section of those who settled in the Americas.
Amerrique  Region in Nicaragua surrounded by Place names - Comarca, from Kumaran.
Comalapa : Kumarappa, the Murugan.
Kumarar : The survivors from Kumari Kandam catastrophe, lead by Kumaran, the Murugan. Equivalent to Amarar.

3. Antartica:
Arctic: from Aar (High/Up above) + Thikku (Direction) > Aarthikku > Arthik > Artic > Arctic
Antartic: Opposite of Aarthikku/Arctic.
Al (Not) + Aar (high) + Thikku (Direction) > Alaarthikku > Anaarthikku > Antharthik > Antartic > Antartica, the land down in the South Pole, opposite to high direction or North Pole, as observed from the Tropics.

4. Asia: Aasu meaning Instant Solutions/Blessings from Sidhdhars, derived from ‘Aasee’vagam, the ancient way of life of Thamizh Nagas and Yakshas, lead by their spiritual guides, the Sidhdhars.
Aasu +Iyam (Word/ Noun) > Aasu + Iya > Aasuya > Asia.

5. Australia: Ya (South) + Tharai (Land/ Peninsular Area) > YaTharai > YasThrai  > Aastrail(added European S and L easing sounds) + Iyam (Word/ Noun) > Austral + Iya > Australia 

6. Europe : Probably from Greek deity for Darkness, Erabus, from Thamizh root word
Eravu, meaning darkness/ night indicating West direction w.r.t. to Asian peoples. 
Eravu > Erabu > Orabu > Yorapu > Europe.

7. Austria: Ya (South) + Tharai (Land/ Peninsula) + Iyam (Word/Noun) > Yatharaiya Yasthraia > Aasthraia > Austria.
Section of Mountain People from exodus of Mahabharath war, the Kuravas and Yakshas.

8. Denmark: Then (South)+ Maargam (Path/ Way) > Thenmargam > Thenmarg > Denmark. 
People who came via the south into the small peninsula. 

9. Israel: Eesa (Siva) + Ra (Kali) + El (God) > Eesarael > Israel

10. India: From Indus, derived from River Sindhu, meaning melt and drip, as the ice from the Himalayas melts as major rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus. 
 Sindhu > Hindhu > Indhu, Indo > Indus (Anglicized) > India, the Land to the west of Indus, Northern India with the Gangetic plains.

11. Palestine: Paalai (Desert)+ Thinai (Landscape) > Palaithinai > Palasthena > Palestine, Philistines

12. Arabia: Aram (Grandson of Noah) > Arami > Arabi > Arabia/Arabic.
      Aram + Vai (Speech) > Aramvai > Aramvaic > Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

13. Malaysia: Malai (Mountains) + Aasu (Aasevagam region) + Iyam (Word/Noun) > Malayasiya >  Malaysia 

       Malacca : From Spice trade. Milagu – Pepper. Milagaai – Chillies. Milaka > Malacca, the ancient spice tradeport.

14. Yemen : Ya (South) + Mann (Land) > Yamann > Yeman > Yemen. Southern Land in Arabian  Peninsula.

15. Oman : Probably From Malayalam/Hill Thamizh Omana, related to Kerala.

16. Sudan : From Sudu, meaning heat, burn, hot desert condition.
      Sudu (Hot/Heat) > Suduthu (Burning) > Soodana(Hot) > Soodan > Sudan

17. Saudi : From Sudu, meaning heat, burn, sultry weather, of desert. 
      Sudu > Saudu > Saud, Saudi.

18. Lemuria : Elai (Leaf/Foliage)+ Marai (Hidden) > Elaimarai > Elaimar > Lamar > Lemur, but  original name for Slender Loris,  the shy tree creature whose fossils were found in distant separate lands, Australia, Madagascar and S.India.
Lemur + Iyam (Word/Noun) > Lemuriyam > Lemuria

19. Kumari Kandam :  Kumbalai (As a Huge Crowd) + Mariththa (Perished) + Kandam (Continent).
Kandam > Kan (Eye) + Then (Visible ) > Kantham> Kandam, the land visible as far the naked eye can see.
Kan + then > Conthen > Continent.

20. Iceland : from Eesa (Siva) Naadu (Country) > Eesanadu > Isaladu > Isladu > Iceland, Island. Eesa > Isu > Ice. Siva lived in Kumari Kandam, in the Meru Mountains. Mountains with ice on top. 

21. Britain : from Baraththaan, the sea-farer.
Parandha (Vast, Spreading meaning Sea) > Baradha, Baraththaan > Prethanikke > Prithania >   Britain. 
(Thamizh Video Link)

22. France : From Parai/Varai, meaning Mountain Range. Varai > Vrai > Prai > Pren > Prenju > French/France

23. Wales : from Vel, meaning farmers also, Spear, so Farmers and Spear Throwers/Warriors. Vel > Velir > Welsh, Wales

24. Scotland : Kaatu Naadu, meaning Forest Country.
KaattuNaadu > SkaattuLaadu (European S sound) > Scotlaandu > Scotland. 

25. Ireland : From Aayer Naadu , meaning Cowherds Country.
Aa means Cow/Cattle, Aayer means Cowherd. AayerNaadu > Ayerlandu > Ireland.

To be Contd...Part II

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