Thursday 9 August 2018

Aztec and Aaseevagam Pantheons

Comparison of Aztec deities with ancient Thamizh deities of Aaseevagam Pantheon:

Aztec deity     
or Epithets           
Symbols and 
Root words
Matching Traits, Symbols in Thamizh Culture or other Cultures


water, rivers, of seas, streams, storms, oceans, rains,
fertility goddess,
harvests, marriage, infants, children
upset canoes and drown men,
helped Tlaloc rule, paradise kingdom of Tlalocan.
carved from green stone, depiction with  jade green skirt, serpents, maize and shells, carries cross as a fertility symbol 

Cross = sprouting foliage of a seed
Meenatchi, goddess of seas and oceans or Pachaiamma
the fertility deity.
Rule of Pandiya Ravanan and Indran in Ancient Lanka or “Garden of Eden"

As also Xilonen
goddess of agriculture,
goddess of nourishment,
goddess of plenty and the female aspect of corn,
seven snakes,
Counterpart of maize god Centeōtl,
Wife of Tezcatlipoca
doll made of corn

Valli or Pachaiamma 

Saptha Kannis with snake hoods
Also as Quilaztli
fertility goddess, childbirth, mothers, fallen warriors, snake woman

Pachaiamma + Kaali aspects

earth/Mother goddess,
mother of the gods especially, Huitzilopochtli, the god of the sun and war.
moon, stars

Kaali (as Mother of Murugan )  + Neelambigai
Five Suns Myth
First sun - eaten by jaguars,
Second Sun - made into monkeys, hurricanes
Third sun - turned into birds, destroyed by fire,
Fourth Sun - by flood and people became fish,
Fifth sun - earthquakes

Yugam or Eras of Thamizh Thinai - Landscape conquests of mankind
1. Kreta -Mountain Era of Sivan destroyed by the Great Deluge
2. Treta -
Forest and Farming Era of Murugan and also Ramayana war
3. Dwapara - Farming and Fishing Era and of Mahabharatha War
4. Kali Yuga - Gambling and War Era of Jews
5. Satya - Truth and Harmony Era
old god, 
fire deity,
also as serpent Xiuhcoatl

Sivan, Fire god as Nataraja or
Uruthiran - the melter, with
Kundalini Serpent

primary god of war and sun, 
national god of the Mexicas or Aztecs

victories and defeats of the Mexican people 
on the battlefield
weapon as Xiuhcoatl or Kundalini Snake


fearsome skeletal warrior goddess, ruled paradise world of Tamoanchan, place where humans were created
obsidian butterfly
obsidian - a black color stone

Kaali the black deity, 
of Kumari Kandam
or Lemuria, the Lost Continent
Creator God, Maya maize god, farming, hunting, 
god of medicine, 
rain deity, calender
tonsured head, loincloth, depicted as a transformative shape/bird
Murugan as Palani Andavar with tonsured head

Father of another important deity, Quetzalcoatl
worshipped as the Red aspect of the god Tezcatlipoca
Hunting, Milky Way, stars, sky invented the fire drill by revolving the heavens around their axes, bringing fire to humanity, first to strike fire with flint.

Sivan as Fire god Nataraja
Same as Tonacacihuatl


lord of Ying-Yang/duality
Dual God or Lord of the Duality

both male and female, good and evil, light and darkness, fire and water, judgment and forgiveness, the god of duality

Sivan or Shiva
Same as Tonacatecutli

Creator deity, Feathered Serpent, arts, crafts, knowledge, merchants
Caduceus staff, wind, Venus as morning star, rattlesnakes, crows,
Quetzals - birds like parrots


mythical location
paradise where the gods created the first of the present human race

Kumari Kandam or Lemuria, the Lost Continent
lord of beauty, war, spear, loincloth, god of sorcerers, rulers, and warriors
Son of Ometeotl,
rival of Quetzalcoatl,
creator and destroyer of the world

night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership,
divination, temptation,  sorcery, beauty, war and strife,
Toxcatl ceremony celebrated in the month of May
Tezcatlipoca Vs Quetzalcoatl
Same as
St.George Vs Dragon,
Marduk Vs Tiamat,
Murugan Vs Tharakasuran
Murugan as son of Sivan

God of rain, fertility, water, giver of life and sustenance, 
Lord of the third Sun, destroyed by fire,
Green One
hail, thunder, lightning, floods,
droughts, crop supply, caves, springs, and mountains

Indran, with aspects of Murugan added.
(Murugan and Indran have some similar aspects like rains, floods, farming, fertility, weapons, war)
Place ruled by  of Tlaloc, place of the rain deity
Water, floods, Paradise, underworld

Lanka, the remaining part of Kumari Kandam
creatress and fertility deity,
wife of Tonacatecutli
worshiped for peopling the earth and making it fruitful.
Lady of Our Sustenance,
Lady of Our Food,
Lady of Our Flesh,
Lady of Abundance


aged creator god, fertility deity
Lord of Sustenance,
Lord of Our Food,
Lord of Our Flesh,
Lord of Abundance
worshipped for peopling the earth and making it fruitful

protectresses of the feminine and progenitresses of mankind
Leaderene-  Itzpapalotl

Saptha Maatha,
Also in myths as Karthigai pengal/Seven Sisters of Pleiades,
Itzpapalotl = Kaali
Xipe Totec/
also Tlatlauhca,
Tlatlauhqui-Tezcatlipoca, &
god of agriculture, vegetation, the east, liberation, spring,  disease, goldsmiths, silversmiths, seasons
life - death -rebirth
Thamizh New Year/Chithirai Festival
mythological serpent, Fire, Weapon of
Huitzilopochtli, the war god,
turquoise serpent,
fire serpent,

Kundalini snake,
Related to Murugan

Huehueteotl ("Old God")

Father of the Gods, oldest and most revered deity,
god of the year and of time.
Lord of fire, day, heat, volcanoes, afterlife,
Ometecuhtli, the Lord of Duality
sacred fire was always kept burning in the temples, Taurus passing as 
calendar new year ceremony for the deity
xihuitl means "year" as well as "turquoise" and "fire"
Lunar year, Uruthiran - the melter of metals

fertility, agricultural produce,
flower prince,
Chicomexochitl the Seven-flower,
Macuilxochitl Five-flower

art, dance, flowers, writing, painting,
Tonsured Maize God among the Classic Mayas,
Related to Tlaloc (god of rain), and Cinteotl (god of maize)
Murugan as “Puvi Arasan” or “Flower King” , Creator of Saptha Kanni,
Venus - Five pointed star
fertility, beauty, pregnancy, childbirth, weaving and embroidery

Mama Killa, Mama Ocllo
Pachaimma +
Neelambigai + Lakshmi
twin of Quetzalcoatl – the god of fire, lightning
Venus as evening star, darkness, sickness, deformities
Quetzalcoatl   but dark version
Murugan’s dark aspect, w.r.t absence of light, healing and medicine

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