Thursday 9 August 2018

Sivan (Shiva) : The Southern King

Sivan, a Mysterious Ancient King of Kumari Kandam, the Lost Continent  

*Titles: Adhi Nathan, Adhi Yogi, Uruthiran/Rudran, Kaala Bhairavan, Natarajan, Ellalan, Orion, Vedan, Ardhanareeswaran, Yaman, Vaidhya Nathan, Anu, etc. 

* In the rural folk traditions, he is called Sudalai Madan. (Grave wanderer with Cow symbol)

* Symbols: Third eye on Forehead, Cresent Moon on head, Trishul, Snake, Bull, Tiger/animal fur clothing, dreadlocks/hairstack, shells and conches for ornaments, mostly sitting in yogic posture, Mountain background 


* the First Siddhar known to mankind who attained Enlightenment through Yoga

* Discovered Yoga and hence called Adhi Yogi or Ancient Yogi

* Lived more than 20-25, 000 years in the Paleolithic Era or Mountain Age

* A Vedan/Hunter in hunter gatherer society in the Mountains of Kumari Kandam, the Submerged   landmass in the Kumari Ocean (South of Thamizh Nadu) and thus appreciated as  Thennadudayavane = The One who lived and belonged to the Southern Lands.

* Discovered that stars were huge objects of fire and thus was remembered by his followers as a   constellation, Orion  meaning Orai+yon = Possessor of a constellation. 

   An Astronomer and Theorist known as Orion the Hunter.

   Theory : Thee + Orai = Fire + Star design = Fiery Stars of the Night sky born our of Big Bang 

* Discovered the Big Bang process of universe creation through explosion of fire and sound and thus depicted as holding fire and drum in the Nataraja form.

* Discovered that 5 elements make up the planet: earth, air, water, fire, ether: and hence has 5 Panchabhootham shrines dedicated to him

* Discovered the atom as the building block of the universe and thus titled Anu. AL(invisible entity) + NU(tiny) > ANU. so known to Sumeria Sky God Anu.

* Discovered that the material universe is of dual nature, pair of equal and opposite forces acting together to manifest in the physical realm, the Ying-Yang theory, hence depicted half-  male, half-female in the Ardhanareeswarar form.

* Prayed and named the Sivalingam/Object of human propagation and gave it a new spiritual  meaning as merging of male-female Kundalini energies in the Ida-Pingala nadis of individual and thus named Sivan.

* A leader or king, the first of his kind: Adhi Nathan aka Ancient Leader or Orator

* Divided and measured Time as day, month and year using the moon
   Day = sunrise till next sunrise,  thus called EL , a solar deity

   Month = cresent to next cresent,  thus called AL, a lunar deity

   Year= 12 such months in 354 day lunar calendar 

   Thus, named El+AL+an=ELLALAN, the one who used sun and moon to track time

* Kaala Bharivar = Time-Keeper/measurer for the above reason.

* Invented Percussion /drum like instruments using the skin of dead animals Eg. Udukkai, Parai, Thappu, Murasu, etc.

* Invented Dance, to demonstrate how objects in space and atomic particles move constantly, as depicted in the Nataraja form.

* His discoveries in metallurgy, music, kingship, and various other sciences were named Vedham/Vedas after him.
* Sudalai madan : Sudalai = graveyard, Madan = one who uses cow’s skin to make percussion instruments:  Digger of graves, he dug out corpses to analyse human anatomy and thus a medic.

* Vaidhya Nathan = Vaidhyam = treatment of illness, Nathan= pioneer/leader: a healer, herbalist who used mountain herbs and yogic therapy to cure his people of illnesses and injuries and accidents like snake, insect bites. 

* Found the writing system and used pictures/pictorial format to record words and name   regular objects and regular human activities.

* Passed down acquired knowledge under banyan trees to disciples/Kuravas who inturn taught and guided commonfolk : Aalamarselvan

* Convened the 1st Thamizh Sangam /conference to spread his discoveries and also regulate various social developments of his age including language, writing system, sciences, spirituality, arts like ancient music and dance, etc.

* Conquered death by attaining Nirvana and hence became Yaman, the god of death who decides to take life of old people at Yamam/Middle of the night

* Imaginary Female counterparts:
1. Mother Goddess/ Parvathy : Var Vathy ( Mountain Goddess) as a benign form,

2. Kaali with Black color theme as a Huntress or War goddess

3. Shakthi represents the same Mother Goddess as personification of unseen Kundalini Energy or Invisible Cosmic Energy 

All three represent the same Mother Goddess but in different forms. 

* Constellations: Rishabha Thiruvadhirai comprising of Orion the Hunter, Taurus the Bull, Canis Major Dog, 
Rishabam = Uri (peeled cow skin) + Thappam (percussion instrument)

Rithappam> Rishabam

Thiruvadhirai= Thiru (Respected) + Aadhi (ancient) + Orai /Orion (Ormai = Join the dots/design )

* Due to all above reasons regarded as the First god, the Primary god, the King of Kings, Heavenly King, Father of humanity, Supreme God in many cultures...

1 comment:

  1. Sir, this is a wonderful description. Much of it sounds like Mamuni Mayan the great architect fro Kumari Kandam. these are stories from pranava veda and aintiram and vaisampayanam . where did you get your information.. thank you so much for posting this.
