Thursday 9 August 2018

Murugan (Skanda) : The Revolutionary Neolithic Farmer

Murugan, is he the Saviour of Mankind? looks like it..  

* Titles: Velan, Karthikeyan, Kandhan/Skanda, Kumaran, Saravanan, Senthilagan, Aarumugan, Shanmugan, Kadamban, Dhandayudhapani, Aasari, Maamuni Mayan

* In the rural folk traditions, he is called Iyyanar with Pooranam and Porkalai as consorts and also known as Karuppasamy

* Symbols: Vel, Dhandam/Baton, (sometimes also with bow and arrow),Peacock, Snake, Rooster, Goat, loincloth, tonsured head, mostly standing pose as king, warrior, sage


* Kumaran: Deluge Survivor From Kumari Kandam = “Kum”abalai (huge crowd) “Mari”ththa(passed away), Kandam (Continent), where mass deaths occurred due to deluge at the end of the Last Ice age/Younger Dryas, approx. 12000 years ago
* Cow herd and First King of the Plains when most humans were still in the mountains, Tharaikkon = Tharai (Plains/ Ground)+ Kon(Herder King). Hence became the Dragon.

* First Farmer ushering in the Neolithic age around 11500 years

* Burnt palm forests and cleared ground vegetation to domesticate millets, root veggies, oilseeds, herbs

* Developed metalsmithy and metalworking for making farming tools and devices to aid in activities like clearing soil, tilling, harvesting, etc. and also martial arts weapons. Encouraged pottery, carpentry, shipbuilding, arts and crafts also, hence Aasari or artisan.

* Developed building science to help humans settle down to farming from a hunter-gatherer, cave-dwelling  and nomadic herding, tent-dwelling lifestyle, hence created villages with the first farming village being Kathirkaamam,a prerunner to permanent dwellings and city-settlements, so regarded creator of buildings and masonry/architecture

* Invented a calendar to suit farming , seasons, timing of rains and warmth, a Tropical calendar with solstices, equinoxes, four seasons, and winter solstice as New Year day, thus an astronomer and mathematician

* Conceptualised the 7 day week on the basis of 7 heavenly objects - 7 female deities - 7 colors

* Create the syllabic form of writing to suit the newer words and expanding vocabulary arising due to Neolithic lifestyle changes, Indus Valley Culture and Maori- Easter Island Rongo script similarity link. "Rongo" from "Murugan".

* First warrior to initiate Martial Arts tradition and fight a war with mountain people to establish say in farming

* Created a way of Life with teaching and spreading knowledge through Gurukulams in caves and hillocks called Aaseevagam 

* Invented Abstract shape for Siva-lingam/Duality as Six-faced Star, hence called Aarumugan/Six faced and Shanmugan/Equal Faced as Star has 6 equal faces

* Invented Swastik( Read as OM) to represent Duality/Union of opposites as the functional mode of physical realm. Also represents male-female Kundalini merge and Enlightenment for sages. OM from OL meaning union/join. eg. Olympics

* Discovered the process of embryo formation through ovum-sperm fertilisation and designed a weapon Vel in the shape of the male cell, hence Velan. Demonstrated the Ovum cell as Kadambam flower’s shape and thus called Kadamban and hence God of physical union, youth and beauty. Discovered the fertility rate and youth enhancing Herb - Moringa Oleifera , Murungai which was named after him. Thus, God of medicine, reproduction...Karuppusamy. i.e Karu (Embryo) + Uruppu( Organ) = Karuppu ( black ) = dark chamber of womb. Karpu (virginity)

*Created a pantheon of 6 more female deities (with previous Kaali worship) to streamline and balance the male-female participation of the newly developed farming societies

* Introduced idols of Sivan, Kaali and Saptha Kanni (Deivam/Gods) to preserve history and also introduced ancestor worship (Karuppu/Munnor Valipaadu) to honor, remember and pass on the legacy of the deluge victims.  

As he imbibed wisdom of human embryo process and detected herbs (like Moringa) to increase fertility in order to encouraged people to marry and beget more children to compensate for disastrous loss in the Great Deluge(11500 years back), regarded as the first priest or priest-king.

*Convened a 2nd Thamizh Sangam/Conference to spread his new discoveries and regulate the social developments due to advent of agriculture 

* First world traveller , undertook sea voyages to spread his knowledge to other places

*Due to all above reasons  regarded as Creator Deity, God of Farming , Son of God 
(Successor to Sivan in fame), God of War and Martial Arts, God of Justice, Judgement, Wisdom, God of Floods, Tsumani, Rain, Storms, Rivers, Water, Fire, Pottery, God of fishing and pearls, God of seasons, vegetation, flowers, spring, earth, calendar, God of language, writing, learning, books, wisdom, God of fertility, love, marriage, preisthood, God of villages, buildings, metalworking and metalsmithy, craftsmanship, shipbuilding,sea travel, architecture, God/Judge of the dead (the Great deluge victims), God of Civilization.  

* Female Imaginary counterparts:

1.Valli: Velli/Venus, the planet for greenery and fertility
Also called as Pachaiamma: green skinned deity for farming, or Pooranam in rural areas
Also called as Meenatchi: green skinned deity for fishing, seatravel, deity of Pandiyas or as
Draupathi/Tharaipathi : Goddess of Earth, lands, vegetation, farming

2.Deivanai / Saraswathi : Goddess of knowledge, wisdom, learning, arts and sciences, decisions and governance. Called as Porkalai in folk tradition.

* Constellation: Karthigai / Pleaides : collection of 7 stars


  1. i love your blog which is rich in ancient history. Can you tell me your reference sources for your posts. For example the info on siva and murugan.

    1. Thank you. I have taken references from a research Youtube channel called Tamil Chinthanaiyalar Peravai. There are some English videos, but most of the content is in Tamil. I have taken the basic knowledge from the videos of the researcher and based on that, decoded many pantheons of the world.

    2. From my understanding, you are on the right track. I appreciate your work. If you would like to see some of mine please email me at I studied for many years under the late, great Tamil, Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati.
