Thursday 9 August 2018

Introduction to Aaseevagam..

Aaseevagam: a term most haven't heard of..for some unknown reason..
The Thamizh people of the Asian subcontinent are the oldest living classical civilization, according to historian Micheal Woods, in a BBC documentary called Story of India. Wouldn’t it be worthy to explore the roots of Thamizh people, especially the  theologological history which is misunderstood by many as pagan, backward and primitive? Here’s an attempt to compare the deities of few ancient cultures with those of the Thamizh way of life called Aaseevagam.

Aasu means Instantly, Spontaneous
Eevu is from Theervu meaning Solutions for problems of common man
Agam means a particular Place, here the caves in which the ancient Thamizh sages lived
Aasu+Theervu+Agam= Aaseevagam ,the Siddha caves where people got instant solutions for their problems

Siddhar/Siddha means one who has acquired Siddham meaning wisdom, i.e. cosmic wisdom, wisdom attained through meditation, penance, inquiry, observation and intuition.. 

So Aasevagam is not a religion bound by any book or a single messenger. In fact, every Siddhar or Thamizh sage can be regarded as a messenger in their own right. As per literature, folklore, passed down info, there were several 100s, if not 1000's of such Siddhars. A few of them, completely revolutionized the societies they lived in, through immense, unimaginable penance, celibacy and attained cosmic knowledge through yogic practices which they themselves discovered through meditation. 

A lucky few got enlightened, a state called Nirvanam, literal meaning "transparency", intended meaning as "eternal life" as they reached the highest spiritual state a human could achieve and thus their bodies didn’t matter to them anymore. They conquered death and thus are eternal beings, always existing in the soul realm and guiding humanity. So they were and are famous all around the globe in almost all cultures but in different names and with distorted histories due to the confusion that enveloped human societies and thus forgotten by most for a long period of time. 

This blog is an attempt to recover a few links and thus establish connections between Thamizh Aaseevagam and other pantheons of the past and present..

Most of the inferences and inputs are based on the in-depth research findings of “Tamil Chinthanaiyalar Peravai” Youtube channel which focuses on Ancient Thamizh history, culture and theology and also it's impact on world religions and history, through the unique tool of tracing etymological roots of words of other languages with those of Thamizh, a deserving candidate for the world's oldest and first logically conceived human language. I am immensely grateful to Dr.Pandian, the etymologist & scientist who runs the TCP channel.

In the next links.. we will learn the basics about the 3 main male deities : Sivan, Murugan, Vishnu  and 7 main female deities, the Saptha Madhas..


  1. ЁЯСН how we use in our daily life?

    1. Keep everything simple..simplify your lifestyle..take any one philosophy and follow not confuse yourself with too many complicated philosophies and things which are hard to understand..
      Keep faith in whichever form of God/Universal force you trust in and ask help from it in your own mother tongue.. to guide you from within,
      listen to your inner voice and take decisions..then your lifepath direction will be known/visible to you automatically through various signs and messages..


  2. Sir can u decode the history of parshuram

    1. Working on it..Will write a blog in a few months..

  3. Is aaseevagam the same as Siddhar tradition? I would like to get accurate and complete information from people who know Aaseevagam to publish about in the Portuguese language.

  4. extremely grateful for creating this webpage.

  5. I'm siddha doctor following aseevagam...from Kerala india
    Varma practitioner and would like to pass herbal knowledge..

  6. in sumerian Annunaki refers to anu means atom and aaki means creating so is that word gone from tamizh ?

    1. Annunaki is a set of 7 angels. In Tamil, set of 7 female deities is called 7 Nayaki > Elu Nayaki. That deformed to Annunaki.

  7. роиாрой் роЙроЩ்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родрооிро┤் роЪிрои்родройைропாро│ро░் роЪேройро▓ை рооிроХ роиீрог்роЯ роиாроЯ்роХро│ாроХ рокிрой்родொроЯро░்рои்родு ро╡ро░ுроХிро▒ேрой். роиாрой் роЙрог்рооைропிро▓ேропே роЕродிро░்роЪ்роЪிропроЯைрои்родேрой், роЕродே роиேро░род்родிро▓் роЙрог்рооை ро╡ெро│ிро╡ро░ுро╡родிро▓் роороХிро┤்роЪ்роЪி роЕроЯைроХிро▒ேрой். роЖройாро▓், роЙро▓роХроо் рооுро┤ுро╡родிро▓ுроо் роЙро│்ро│ рокро▓ро░், роЙро▓роХிрой் рокро▓்ро╡ேро▒ு рокроХுродிроХро│ிро▓் родройிрод்родройிропாроХ, роЗрои்род роиோропை роОродிро░்роХொрог்роЯு рокோро░ாроЯிроХ்роХொрог்роЯிро░ுрок்рокродை роиாрой் роОрок்рокோродுроо் роЕро╡родாройிрод்родிро░ுроХ்роХிро▒ேрой்! ропூродро░்роХро│ை роЕроо்рокро▓рок்рокроЯுрод்родுроо் Rumble роЗро░ுрои்родு роЪிро▓ ро╡ீроЯிропோ роЗрогைрок்рокுроХро│் роЗроЩ்роХே роХாрогро▓ாроо். (YouTube роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ைрод் родроЯுрод்родிро░ுроХ்роХிро░ாро░்роХро│் роОрой்рокродாро▓்) роЗро╡ை роиிро▒ைроп родро░ро╡ுроХро│ைрок் рокெро▒ рокропройுро│்ро│ ро╡ீроЯிропோроХ்роХро│். роЕро╡роЪிропроо் рокாро░்роХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо். 9/11 роЯைроЯ்роЯாройிроХ் рокோро▓ро╡ே ропூродро░்роХро│ிрой் роЪродி. роХுро┤рои்родை роХроЯрод்родро▓் роиெроЯ்ро╡ொро░்роХ்роХுроХро│், родிро░ுроироЩ்роХைроХро│் роиிроХро┤்роЪ்роЪி роиிро░ро▓், роХுро┤рои்родை рокро▓ி рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை. 1) 2) 3) ( рокாроХроо் 1 рооுродро▓் рокாро░்роХ்роХро╡ுроо்) 4) роОрой்рокродு роТро░ு роХுро▒்ро▒ро╡ிропро▓் роЕрооைрок்рокு. роХேроЯ்ро╕் роЕроЯிрод்родро│роо் рооுро┤ுрооைропாроХ ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு.

  8. The Whole credit goes to the Scientist Dr.Pandian of TamilChinthanaiyalar Peravai and the founder of AindhamThamilar Sagnam

  9. There is a similar word in Hindi like Aasu i.e Aas meaning Wish. Eevu in Telugu is give. In all probability Aasu + Eevu+ Agham could mean Wish fulfilling Zone or a place while fulfills your wishes. Looks like the entire Asian continent is named after this concept by the ancient Siddhars.
